In the first instalment of a new series on restorative aquaculture The Fish Site speaks to Sarah Holmyard, head of sales and marketing at Offshore Shellfish, which is developing a large-scale rope-grown mussel farm in Lyme Bay, Devon.
The growth of grouper aquaculture has been held back by the difficulties experienced in the larval rearing stage. However, according to CFEED, the use of copepods at the first feeding stage is leading to marked improvements in production.
When talking to people about the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), one of the most common questions I get asked is how did a young woman end up being CEO of a global organisation mainly dominated by men?
Michael Laterveer, owner of Blue Linked – one of the few marine hatcheries in the Netherlands – believes that a fundamentally different approach is needed to ensure a sustainable future for aquaculture.
Using sea water to create coastal wetlands in which crops including fish and shellfish can be grown is a relatively new concept, but Yanik Nyberg, founder of Seawater Solutions, believes that it can help to revolutionise food production and biodiversity, while…