In the second instalment of the series, novice mussel farmer Jude Brown, who's based on the Isle of Skye, goes on the trail of her first batch of seed stock.
Lab-grown seafood is likely to provide a significant source of global animal protein within a decade, putting conventional seafood producers and processors at risk of extinction.
The UK’s shellfish aquaculture sector is suffering from legislation that “ignores the realities of nature, technology and markets that actually govern the way we work”.
The global seaweed aquaculture sector should aim to grow by 12 percent a year – helped by a marked production increase in northern oceans – according to Bailey Moritz, program officer for seaweed and shellfish projects for the US national office of World Wildl…
The founder of Norway’s Seafood Innovation Cluster, who is now innovation manager at Hatch, has dedicated her career to fostering collaboration and innovation in the aquaculture industry.
Benchmark Genetics is one of the main suppliers of salmon ova for land-based production facilities – both RAS and flow-through – around the world. This has given them a unique insight into how the sector is developing, as members of their team explain to The F…