We’re all too familiar with the scandals that have tainted the seafood sector. But, traceability systems can swiftly address issues such as seafood fraud and forced labour, along with solutions that can help eradicate those practices. Mark Kaplan, the co-found…
While there are still a number of challenges to overcome, a number of innovators in the Philippines believe that cultivating Ulva has long term potential at a time when diversification of the country’s seaweed sector would be welcomed.
A range of non-native fish species, including Midas cichlids, are now firmly established in the Philippines, but some enterprising farmers are beginning to capitalise on these invaders.
Despite its lack of coastline, shrimp production has proved lucrative for a small but significant number of farmers in Punjab for nearly a decade, but many of them are now facing an uphill struggle.
While hybrid striped bass have historically tended to outperform their pure-bred equivalents in aquaculture, recent breakthroughs suggest that the latter could now be in the ascendency in the US.
With two of the key international aquaculture welfare standards currently being updated, and the topic being more prominent in the mainstream media, two experts on the subject share their views.
A recent study into the interactions between marine aquaculture development and small-scale fisheries has highlighted the need for marine planning to prevent conflicts over resources and markets.