In recent years the buzz and hype surrounding the drive to achieve commercial full-cycle tuna farming in the Mediterranean seems to have subsided. We checked in with some of the leading minds in the field to discuss the initiatives and ideas that can help brin…
Maine’s Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research, which has helped to launch some of the state’s most innovative aquaculture businesses, is now the subject of international interest too, helping to attract Kingfish Zeeland to New England. Tim Harde…
The diversification of aquaculture is vital for the long-term success of the sector, argues Øyvind J Hansen, in the first instalment of an exclusive new series by Nofima.
Mulling over the next fish to invest in? Let’s take a cue from the ancient Egyptians and Romans, who have long loved their mullets (No, not the haircut).
Two months after its last report on the global animal protein production sector, Rabobank’s Gorjan Nikolik offers The Fish Site some revised thoughts on the recent performance of the fishmeal, salmon and shrimp sectors as well as some insights into their outlo…