Demand for groundfish products seems to be less subject to the impact of the financial crisis worldwide, says an FAO Globefish report prepared by Paola Sabatini.
As well asbeing a farm thatproduces fish forfood, Aranyponty- in Magyar, theGolden Carp -communicatesthe importance ofmanaging Europeswetland heritageto society, bydiverse social andeducational activities, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sust…
By Jane Jordan, Editor, TheFishSite.The development of novel marine finfish production requires reliable and cost effective supplies of juvenile fish. The OPEL project - 'The optimisation of environmental conditions for cultivating marine finfish larvae' - was…
By the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service - In 2005, China Customs reported total agriculture, fisheries and forest product imports of over $35 billion.
By Ingunn Sommerset, Intervet Norbio AS, Bjorn Krossoy, Eirik Biering and Petter Frost - Vaccination plays an important role in large-scale commercial fish farming and has been a key reason for the success of salmon cultivation.
Safely transporting fish from the hatchery to the pond and then on to the market is a very important part of aquaculture, says the University of Auburn.
By Dave Cockerill, the Fish Vet Group - In recent years spinal deformity has become an increasingly important condition for salmon producers and especially processors. Some populations are virtually unaffected, but the incidence of deformity can be above 30%, …
From the University of Adelaide - A total of 205 Yellowtail Kingfish have recently been tagged in the Spencer Gulf as part of the Innovative Solutions for Aquaculture Planning and Management suite of research projects.
From The USDA's APHIS - These guidelines apply to the following farmed species of fish: salmonids and cyprinids. The guidelines may also apply to other fish species. The length of time fish spend on a transport should be as short as possible.
In a new book, The Benefits of Fish Meal in Aquaculture Diets, RD Miles and FA Chapman, from the University of Florida, explain the value of fishmeal in feeds for fish and shrimp.
By Fiskeriforskning - For a long time, vibriosis was the most serious bacterial disease in farmed cod, but now other diseases also result in significant mortality.
By Jon Weldon and published by North Atlantic Fisheries College - The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) has been identified as a species with considerable potential for intensive farming in northern Europe and Canada.
TEXAS - The Gulf Marine Institute of Technology (GMIT), an IRS approved non-profit research institute, has been trying to initiate aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico since 1995 and has been involved in a "duel with the titans" to convince current Lt. Governor a…
Collection and Submission of Samples for Fish-Kill Investigation and Toxic-Substance Analysis - By Robert A. Pierce, Extension Fish and Wildlife Specialist; Thomas W. May, National Biological Survey, National Fisheries Contaminant Research Center and V. Charle…
By the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service - The European Commission (EC) has published a proposal concerning the animal welfare of farmed fish to be adopted at the November 2005 meeting of the Standing Committee of the European Convention for the Protection of…
By Janet Raloff and published by Science News Online - Aquaculture - farming fish for our dinner tables - is a big and growing international industry. Because many of the tastiest and most-profitable farmed fish are carnivores, their prepared diets usually inc…
Marine protected areas (MPAs) have received increasing attention as tools in fisheries management and conservation. However, examples of replicated experiments that sampled organismal density before and after establishment of MPAs at sites both in…