Kwame David Adade took over Windmill Farms – a catfish and tilapia farm in Ghana – from his father four years ago and since then has made some interesting discoveries, especially in feed formulation.
Eslam Elsamadony is one of the pioneers of Egypt’s biofloc aquaculture sector, helping to transform a struggling farm into a system capable of producing 50 tonnes of tilapia a year.
The Fish Site columnist Proscovia Alando is planning to launch the first ever comprehensive independent analysis of the Kenyan aquaculture sector – in a bid to determine the number of farmers, their total production capacity, the key challenges they n…
Mia Avril from Castries, Saint Lucia, who has assisted in the growth of aquaculture in Trinidad, Jamaica, Dominica and the Bahamas, is a firm believer in on-farm aquafeed production and aquaponics.
Cyril Barbier is the hatchery and production manager at Gårdsfisk, an indoor farming operation in southern Sweden that aims to produce 550 tonnes of tilapia and African catfish this year.
ZR Thahmingliana started a carp farm to honour the last wish of his father, who wanted to make the small state of Mizoram in northeast India self-reliant in fish production.
Helped by several initiatives from the government of Manipur, in north-east India, fish farmers have increased production substantially, but scientists feel that the state has not yet fulfilled its true aquaculture potential.
Pacu – which are also called tambaqui, pirapitinga, cachama, morocoto, or gamitana – are among the fish with the greatest potential to challenge the dominance of carps and tilapias in tropical freshwater aquaculture, especially if geneticists succeed in elimin…
Oluwasikemi Olabisi is the director of The FarmLady Aquatics Limited, a consulting company that helps prospective and existing catfish farmers through training, mentoring and production of healthy catfish juveniles.
Enos Were, the managing director of Jewlet Fish Farms, is a pioneer who has transformed East Africa’s aquaculture industry by training countless fish farmers, researchers and government officials, as well as developing his own successful independent farm.
Carla Phillips Savage, who is currently an associate professor at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, discusses her journey to become the only certified aquatic veterinarian in Trinidad and highlights the need for more aquatic animal health p…
There are those who argue that farming is a way of life and not a business, but in today's modern, competitive and global agriculture/agribusiness environment, that mindset is the quickest way to lose money.
For decades China has been the world’s largest exporter of seafood but, in the space of 12 months – following a 30 percent rise in imports – it has become a net importer, heralding a genuinely pivotal moment in the seafood sphere.
Ade Alakija helped to spearhead the commercialisation of Nigerian catfish farming, inspiring the growth of a vibrant and dynamic sector which now provides food and work for millions.
Côte d’Ivoire needs to step up its domestic tilapia production in line with domestic demand, according to a recent interview with Fougnigué Traoré, FISH4ACP national professional officer in Côte d’Ivoire, following the publication of a new report.
A delegation from the government of Uganda recently visited some of Brazil’s top tilapia farmers, feed producers and regulators, as they seek to grow their own aquaculture sector.