Following recent claims that culturing salmon in open net pens could become the most sustainable form of healthy protein production on the planet, Dr Bill McGraw assesses the relative merits of different aquaculture species and systems. As a specialist in the …
Eight of the 40 companies to reach the finals of this year’s Fish 2.0 competition are involved in, or have links to, the culture of bivalves – a measure of the innovative ideas emerging from, and being devoted to, the US shellfish farming sector.
As the search for the best way to produce sterile farmed fish stocks continues, novel methods such as germ-cell migration disruption could offer good alternatives to inducing triploidy, according to one US researcher.
Fisheries and aquaculture businesses may be increasingly aware of the need to maintain the health of fish stocks and aquaculture practices, but the wellbeing of the world’s oceans – and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the various industries that they …
Stable, biosecure, zero water-exchange aquaculture is the only remedy for repeated catastrophic loss from disease in the shrimp industry, according to Panama-based shrimp RAS expert Dr Bill McGraw.