Stronger and larger aquaculture units and enclosed set ups could be the next stage of aquatech, according to a review of Norway’s development license scheme for Atlantic salmon.
Seaweed aquaculture and kelp forest restoration are getting a tentative nod as a blue carbon strategy – but the way policymakers structure carbon credits and offsets may make its benefits theoretical instead of bankable.
Dr Marta Carvalho is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where she studies novel Omega-3 sources for fish feed.
Recent genetic advances are being heralded as possible game-changers for the tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) farming sector, potentially bringing a welcome renaissance to a sector that has fallen far behind vannamei shrimp in the past decades.
Ocean 14 Capital Fund, which is over half way to raising €150 million, is looking to make a series of game-changing investments in the aquaculture sector as it seeks to improve global food security while ensuring the long-term health of the oceans.
Artificial reefs made from innovative, low-carbon emission materials have the potential to improve biodiversity around aquaculture sites and may even open up opportunities for multi-trophic aquaculture, according to Max Morgan-Kay of ARC Marine.