Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is proving its worth in Sungo Bay in China, with numerous studies to support its environmental and economic benefits.
Benchmark Genetics is one of the main suppliers of salmon ova for land-based production facilities – both RAS and flow-through – around the world. This has given them a unique insight into how the sector is developing, as members of their team explain to The F…
Columbi Salmon aims to harvest 12,000 tonnes of salmon and 4,000 tonnes of salad leaves a year by 2025, at a site in the Belgian port of Ostend. Kolbjørn Giskeødegård, CFO of the startup, explains their unique production system, why he thinks the time is right…
Kana Banno, a PhD candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) talks about her transition from aquaculture in Japan, to that of Norway and why fish behaviour and welfare are so important in salmon farming.
Recirc systems are one of the boom areas in aquaculture at the moment, with new facilities being designed and built all over the world. It’s still a very young part of the sector, however, and it sometimes feels like there are more RAS facilities out there tha…
Desmond Chow, the founder of Singapore Crawfish, is so convinced that crayfish aquaculture is ripe for investment that he’s spent the past two years, and considerable amounts of his own capital, developing a range of crayfish farming technologies and products,…
Surprisingly little research into establishing the optimal lighting conditions for salmon in RAS facilities has been published. As a result, and given that light plays a key role in the development of Atlantic salmon, researchers at Nofima are currently invest…